Any business or individual interested in the pursuit of business or trade opportunities, or the welfare and economy, in Canada and/or the Philippines.
The council sponsors regular events which will keep you abreast of current trends, developments and opportunities in matters relating to trade and commerce, which are of interest to you, our new Members. In addition, our regular meetings are an excellent networking opportunity to meet with other professionals and businesses.
Membership Categories
Individual Membership
Individual members form the core membership of PCTC. A member in good standing can be elected to a director position, with a one-year tenure. The membership fee is $50 payable before the next Annual General Meeting to exercise the voting right.

Corporate Membership
Corporate membership is open to Canadian organizations. Corporate members can have up to three representatives, and one voting right. The annual fee is $200, payable before the next Annual General Meeting, to be able to exercise the voting right.

Join Our Email List (NON MEMBERS ONLY)
Not a member but still want to get notifications about our events and socials, join our email list.

Update Profile / Renew Your Membership
You can login to the website using your username / email and password to update your profile or renew your membership. Once you login you will see an option to update your profile, change your password and also view events you have registered for and payments made and owing. You can use the password reminder link on the login page if you do not remember your password.